Is it true that the fastest sperm fertilizes the egg?
Not really. To begin with, at least 10 million sperm must enter the uterus to successfully conceive. Almost all of them meet the egg, but only one gets inside. The thing is that after the meeting with the egg, the sperm still need to overcome certain barriers.
Directly, in order to merge with the egg, the sperm must pass through two membranes: the radiant crown and the shiny shell. To overcome the radiant crown, the layer of cells surrounding the egg, the sperm uses a special enzyme located on the surface of the head that splits the structures that connect the cells of the radiant crown.
One sperm is not able to break the radiant crown; it takes a large number of sperm to loosen and disperse the radiant crown cells. The sperm that gets to the radiant wreath first is the one most likely to fertilize.
-By Emmanuel Ametsikor